Assignment Expectations
Grading scale:

90 - 100 A

80 - 89   B

70 - 79   C

60 - 69   D

59 belowF

I do not curve class scores.

Reading, writing, and developing literary analysis skills are the foundational curriculum. In addition, students are expected to contribute their insights and experiences in an on-going fashion. This individual participation figures equally with other, objective assignments such as papers and tests.  A significant source for assessing the student’s development is the required class notebook.  Each student will maintain a three-ring binder specifically for this class.  Quarterly notebook checks, along with engaging class participation, will factor heavily in the final grade.

Students will be tested at the conclusion of each unit.  The tests may include a practical exercise, essay questions, multiple choice questions, matching, fill-in-the-blank, and true/false questions.  Quizzes will precede unit tests to prepare the students for the detailed analysis required on the exams.  Thorough material reviews will be conducted prior to quizzes and exams, however, regular class attendance and careful attention to the material when presented are critical to successfully passing this course.  Students who miss class material will not be able to grasp the depth of the topics’ application through the review process alone.

Journal and homework assignments are reviewed prior to the due date.  Assignments are due at the beginning of the class period.  No late work will be accepted.  Class notes are typically written on an easel pad and remain available for review and reference. Quizzes and tests can be made up for excused absences.  It is the student’s responsibility to schedule a makeup time immediately on their return to school.

The specific units of instruction are presented in an integrated, intermingling fashion so that students are building on their language arts throughout the year.  Each lesson reinforces previous lessons while simultaneously expanding the student’s confidence and abilities.  As the year progresses, assignments will naturally become more complex and require increasing levels of focus and skills application.