All students in class have the right to a courteous and supportive learning environment. Laughing, mocking, gossiping about or at another student's lack of knowledge, unpreparedness, personal habits, manner of expression, clothing, religion, sexual orientation, physical features, or other traits and idiomatic behavior is not courteous or supportive behavior and is grounds for dismissal from the class for the remainder of the class period. Additional letters of apology to the victim, the class, or myself may also be required before the offending student is granted full classroom privileges again. The reason for this stringent code of conduct is the need to allow every student the opportunity to engage fully in the topics of educational focus.The fear of social embarrassment is an enormous barrier to individual learning.
Therefore, each students' committment to advancing their own knowledge as well as learning from and giving to others is paramount.
You are responsible for what you communicate in class. Slander, libel, threats of violence or illegal activity will be taken seriously and dealt with directly. Conversely, if you find yourself in a situation you are not prepared to handle, please consider discussing the issue with me. I will help you find an appropriate and confidential solution.
Students often find themselves without some necessary resource to fully participate in class. If you have forgotten your text, lost your pen, run out of paper, please make your need known at the earliest possible time. I have extra pens and paper available at all times -- please help yourself. Use a classroom text as necessary or share with a neighbor as appropriate. Return what you have borrowed at the end of class. Abuse of this offer will result in a parent phone call or conference.
Eating and drinking are allowed in the classroom. However, I reserve the right to restrict this privilege if the classroom is used as a personal trash can. Cell phones and CD players or other electronic toys and tools must be turned off and stored. I will confiscate any disruptive personal property. You may pick it up at the end of the day in the attendance office. A second confiscation will require your parent to come to the school and claim your belongings from the attendance office.
Personal needs should be attended to during the passing period or during an appropriate time in the class period. Please do not ask to be excused from class for trips to the bathroom or your locker while I am lecturing, during group exercises, or when another student is presenting. However, if we are working individually and you have finished your assignment you may certainly use your own good judgement in seeing to your personal needs. Public application or touch-up of cosmetics is expressly prohibited.
Academic Integrity is a reflection of personal character and ethics.
Any form of cheating will result in an automatic F for that assignment.
Plagiarism, copying another student’s work, lying about an absence, and talking to another student during a quiz or exam are all evidence of your intent to cheat. If you need this class to graduate, don’t jeopardize your future by failing to be prepared.