Write a Response Paper

Response papers consist of a single page, typed, double-spaced reader's response to the reading or video assignment. Response papers do not summarize the plot or describe the author's motive. Some literary analysis may be appropriate, but only in terms of how the literary method brings out an emotional, physical, or familiar connection in the reader.
Frequent use of the pronoun "I" is expected. Some linking to the reader's life, thoughts, preferences, prejudices, fears, and expectations is required.
Content depth is demanded. "I liked this story..." is unacceptable content without extensive personal explanation.

Formating for the Response Paper:
Font size 10 or 12 pts
Margins 1 inch or less on the top, bottom, left, and right.
Spacing 1.5  or double line-spaced
Heading must be single spaced and include name, date, and period.